David Augustat

Computer Science Student & Tech Enthusiast

Hey, it’s David! I’m a 24-year-old computer science student and tech enthusiast from Germany. I enjoy programming, building websites, playing with Arduino microcontrollers, as well as working with servers. I’m also interested in electronics, physics and Linux.

If you would like to contact me, just send me an email:

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How to Self-Host a HedgeDoc Instance Using Docker: Installation, HTTPS, Backups, Updates, User Management

HedgeDoc is a collaborative markdown editor that can be accessed via a web interface. It is practical for note-taking and for creating texts with multiple people simultaneously working on the document. Since HedgeDoc is open source, you can host it on your own server. This is exactly what I am doing. I mostly use my HedgeDoc instance to take notes and for assignments at university. Since all guides on hosting a HedgeDoc instance I found online lack important steps like setting up your own domain or creating backups, I decided to create my own guide on HedgeDoc self-hosting. In this...

Inhaberwechsel bei Aldi Talk: Meine Erfahrungen (2023)

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