
All posts from the category "Web"

How to Self-Host a HedgeDoc Instance Using Docker: Installation, HTTPS, Backups, Updates, User Management

HedgeDoc is a collaborative markdown editor that can be accessed via a web interface. It is practical for note-taking and for creating texts with multiple people simultaneously working on the document. Since HedgeDoc is open source, you can host it on your own server. This is exactly what I am doing. I mostly use my HedgeDoc instance to take notes and for assignments at university. Since all guides on hosting a HedgeDoc instance I found online lack important steps like setting up your own domain or creating backups, I decided to create my own guide on HedgeDoc self-hosting. In this...

Inhaberwechsel bei Aldi Talk: Meine Erfahrungen (2023)

Als Jugendlicher habe ich bei Aldi Talk ein SIM-Karte gekauft. Da ich damals noch minderjährig war, habe ich die Karte auf eine andere erwachsene Person registrieren lassen (mit deren Einverständnis). Weil ich mittlerweile volljährig bin, habe ich im August 2023 die Inhaberschaft an dieser Rufnummer auf mich übertragen. Da ich von Aldi Talk keine Informationen zum Inhaberwechsel online finden konnte, habe ich mich entschlossen, meine eigenen Erfahrungen in diesem Blogpost zu teilen. Aus rechtlichen Gründen kann ich leider keine Original-E-Mails von Aldi Talk veröffentlichen. Stattdessen fasse ich jeweils den Inhalt der E-Mail zusammen. Erste Anfrage (28.08.2023) Über das Kundenportal “Mein...

Good Bye Wordpress, Hello Jekyll!

Ever since I started my website two years ago, this blog has been run on Wordpress. Now I have finally made the decision to ditch Wordpress and move over to Jekyll, a static site generator. I’ve spent the last few days in completely rebuilding my website from scratch using Jekyll and the Bootstrap CSS framework. What’s so special about Jekyll? In case you are unfamiliar with static site generators (SSG), they are tools that take Markdown files and HTML templates as an input and generate deployable HTML files as an output. This differs a lot from traditional content management systems...

How to Set up Let's Encrypt on an Intranet Website

There are situations where it is desired to have a website only available from the local network but not from the global internet. In most cases intranet websites are only served via HTTP but not via HTTPS. This however is not exactly secure, since the entire traffic between your computer and your server is transmitted in plain text (even passwords). So an attacker could obtain sensitive data as soon as they manage to break into your local network.

I Built an Online Calculator for Finite Fields and Linear Algebra

Everyone is familiar with the so-called real numbers, meaning numbers that we use in our daily life, like 3, -4, 0.5 or PI. As a computer science student I attend a math class at university where we not only use real numbers, but also other algebraic fields, the so-called finite fields. As opposed to the real numbers, finite fields only have a finite set of numbers. When performing the mathematical operations +, -, * or / on elements from this limited set of numbers, it is not possible to "break out" of it, i.e. the result is an element of...

How to Take Ultra High Resolution Screenshots in Chrome (4K, 8K, …)

As a publisher, video creator or web developer you might need screenshots of a website, that have a higher resolution than your physical monitor. For example if you have a 1920 x 1080 (full HD) monitor, but you want your screenshots to be in 4K (3840 x 2160) or even 8K (7680 x 4320). With traditional methods of taking a screenshot like Snipping Tool however, you can only take screenshots that have the same resolution as your monitor. But Google Chrome itself actually has a built-in functionality to capture higher resolution screenshots. In the following tutorial I will show you...